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July and December marks Physician Independence Day, a holiday developed by MASC Medical in 2019.

During Physician Independence Day, we celebrate all U.S. physicians who’ve completed and graduated from their medical residency program. 


The Physician Independence Day KIT

Graduating from your medical residency program marks the beginning of a new journey. Therefore, we created the Physician Independence Day KIT to guide physicians in making wise decisions as well as providing tips to build a successful career path.


This year we’re making the celebration extra special. MASC Medical is
giving away a FREE consultation to discuss and assist ONE U.S. physician
in finding the “perfect” physician job and/or practice opportunity.

Here’s How to ENTER

Submit your information on the form
Follow MASC Medical
Retweet our giveaway post using #PhysicianIndependenceDay

Enter by July 29th for your chance to WIN!